Keto Cloud Bread Loaf After running across this recipe on Pinterest, and knowing I had a carton of egg whites needing to be used up and plenty of unflavored protein powder, I figured I’d give it a try today; it looked easy enough, and I had some extra time, so why not? I followed the …
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RECIPE: What I Can Reach Rolls
So I was standing in the kitchen, waiting for my casserole to get done in my AFO, and wanted to make some rolls to have with it. The casserole is carnivore, so the rolls should be, also, right? Not walking well today so I thought I’d just grab some stuff within reach, mix it up, …
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RECIPE: Desperation Pizza Crust Pizza
Today I was planning to make a carnivore crust pizza with my last can of chicken. But come time to start, I couldn’t find my chicken anywhere! I was determined, however, to have pizza anyway, so I started tossing stuff in a bowl and mixing it up. Ended up being one of the best of …
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Lovely Buns!
I wanted some nice little buns that I could use with a burger, or toast, or make into a sandwich. I’ve read enough carnivore, keto, and very low carb recipe – and done more than my share of fiddling around in the kitchen – that I had an idea what I would do. And it …
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RECIPE: Inside-Out Breakfast Sandwich Casserole
This delight formed a layer of biscuit-like bready goodness inside when it baked! I was surprised and thrilled…and it was even better the next day! This is what I did, and am looking forward to making it again this week! I was surprised at the “biscuit” inside, and am thinking that the combination of bacon …
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Recipe: Courtney Luna’s Carnivore-Keto Dinner Roll
I decided to try this today, but instead made a mini-loaf in my 3×5 glass loaf pan. I doubled the recipe that is linked here and, of course, I didn’t make it exactly as she created it: I added about a tsp of sour cream with about Β½ tsp of baking powder. It turned out …
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Just Another Carnivore Bread Experiment ποΈ
There are tons of carnivore bread recipes out there. So why don’t I just use one of those? Well, for some of us the fun is in the creating. I have always cooked and baked using the SoMP (Seat of My Pants) method. Even with a recipe, I always make changes as I work – …
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Baker’s Dozen LINKS to Carnivore “Bread” Recipes
OF COURSE there is no carnivore bread that mimics the (unhealthy) Wonder Bread of our childhood but for those who really miss a sandwich or toast (πββοΈ) something here may appeal to you! I tried to grab a variety of different recipe types, hope you find some you like! queenKETO: Zero Carb Carnivore Bread LoafStay …
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Maybe I Need More Toast?
So I’ve been sick for about a week +/-, and craving toast. When I was a kid my mom always made us toast and soft-boiled eggs when we were sick, so maybe that’s why? (I have plenty of eggs!) I made a small amount of toast recently but this time I want a LOAF of …
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Cooking: Dec. 18, 2023 – TOAST!
TOAST I have always loved me some toast…just like my Gram used to make it for me, fried in butter! Gram grew up in a creamery eating things like bowls of sour cream, fresh butter, the super-rich top from the cottage cheese…yeah! She knew how to eat! Anyway, toast isn’t something that I’ve eaten very …
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Cooking: Dec 7, 2023 – Easy Buns
EASY BUNS In a small bowl I mix up approx (I never measure) ΒΌc of egg white, to which I add about a rounded tsp of psyllium husk, and a pinch each of xanthan gum, baking powder, and salt, and about 2 tsp of full-fat plain Greek yogurt. After it is blended and smooth I …
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