Some Things Just Hit The Spot!

Though I eat a predominantly animal-based diet, I do enjoy a couple of keto days each week (and even an occasional “day off”). The last few days I’ve been wanting cabbage so today I picked up a package of cole slaw mix as I was in no shape to do all the work of dealing with a cabbage head…anyway I tossed it with some olive oil (so hubby could have some, he can’t have my duck fat), onion, and salt and roasted it in my Ninja AFO. (365°F/30 min.) At the same time I roasted one of my 1# pork belly slabs.

After 30 minutes I tossed the cabbage mix with a quarter-stick of butter, and returned it to the AFO while I cut the thick skin from the pork. I salted the now-exposed fat layer and set the skin in the pan next to it, and returned it to the AFO for 20 minutes, until that fat crisped up to a browned deliciousness. When they were done, I cut the pork into half-bites and tossed them with the cabbage mix. Meanwhile I seasoned the underside of the skin with SF BBQ seasoning, cinnamon, and golden monk fruit “sugar”, returning it to the still-hot oven (off) while I ate. Afterward I had a lovely, delicious, wonderful dessert.

What a meal! Simple, basic, cheap…a favorite!


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