So I’ve been sick for about a week +/-, and craving toast. When I was a kid my mom always made us toast and soft-boiled eggs when we were sick, so maybe that’s why? (I have plenty of eggs!) I made a small amount of toast recently but this time I want a LOAF of bread to make toast. Going by the seat of my pants (and a lot of successful experiments in breads over the last 20 years) I made a loaf that is in the oven right now. Below is what I did, before I forget, if it works out; if it doesn’t, you’ll never see this anyway!
Not a fan of separating the egg whites from yolks, or of cloud-type breads. And since I do a hypercarnivore thing, a few non-animal-based ingredients don’t hurt my feelings any, as long as they’re nothing that has proven inflammatory to me in the past. I also have to wash our dishes by hand, so dirtying more bowls and utensils than necessary is something to be avoided! (Those people in the videos that set each ingredient in a different little dish must have dishwashers!) Anyway, let’s get on with this, I have brain cells dying off by the minute here!
6 large eggs + ½c egg whites (I used carton)
½ tsp salt
*1 packet sweetener
– Whisked together in a stand mixer until the mixture was light in color and frothy, then added, in a single pile to one side:
*2T psyllium husk powder
*2T ground flax (I prefer golden but only had brown, so used that)
2T egg white powder
1T beef gelatin
*1T yeast (for scent/flavor only)
*½T baking powder
*1 tsp xanthan gum on top (so it mixes in well)
– Turned the mixer back on and whisked until smooth and well-combined, then sprinkled across the top with the mixer on lowest speed:
½c meat flour or your choice (I used pork rinds because it’s what I had)
– Let the mixer – still using the whisk attachment – combine the batter until it was smooth and even in color.
Poured into a parchment-lined bread pan, baked at 350°F for 40 minutes until it felt firm to the touch and was nicely browned.
One great thing: I left it flat on top and it created its own mound as it was baking – that was pretty cool!
OK, I just made some toast and tasted it; here are my impressions:
Very slight – VERY slight! – hint of pork rind taste. Not objectionable at all, but will use chicken flour next time. Or add garlic.
Texture: PERFECT! Pliable and can bend slices without breaking them. Not like a cake at all, definitely a bread. More like a whole-grain type bread than Wonder bread, but not as heavy. Slices return to form when gently pressed. Very nicely crispy when toasted. (I “fry” my bread slices in butter; not toasted or broiled.) Center has a nice chewiness to it, like grain-based toast.
Sliced the loaf into 18 slices. And this is what the macros look like, for the online calculator I used, and the brands of ingredients I used:
Calories = 651 (36/slice)
fat = 33g (< 2g/slice)
carbs = 36g (2g/slice)
fiber = 20g (1g/slice)
protein = 82g (4.5g/slice)
I will, of course, continue to tweak this – I NEVER make anything the same way twice! And with the rest of this loaf I’ll be testing grilled cheese, french toast, and croutons!
Quite possible my best “first try” loaf ever!

*Not strictly carnivore; not sure how this would turn out without these ingredients, however.
Looks delish!!!!! Congrats on the new recipe you created! ❤️
Oh and I’m LOVING it! Thanks ❤️