Keto Cloud Bread Loaf
After running across this recipe on Pinterest, and knowing I had a carton of egg whites needing to be used up and plenty of unflavored protein powder, I figured I’d give it a try today; it looked easy enough, and I had some extra time, so why not?
I followed the simple steps in the recipe and put it in my air fryer oven (the only oven I use). When the loaf was 18 minutes into the baking time I took a few pictures. (Disclaimer: if you can’t tell by the photos, I am not a photographer!)

My impressions:
- Not too expensive
- Very few ingredients; very few steps
- Texture inside is fine, though a tad delicate; I can imagine how it could be likened to “real” bread
- Crust resembles dried low density insulation foam to the touch; the outer layer is very flaky
- Flavorless, though I use bread these days only as a carrier, so that was fine with me
- Slices nicely with a very sharp serrated knife; crushes easily otherwise
- Is really good with just salted butter on it!

Something interesting: I love toast (bread slices fried in butter) so I had to try it with this. Before it was toasted there was no eggy taste; no real taste at all. But once it was toasted, even though it had soaked up lots of butter in the pan, it tasted like dry egg-white foam. I couldn’t eat it all. (Another benefit, however: because it is all animal-based, my large assistance dog was able to “assist” me by eating what I couldn’t!) As toast? NO! As French toast? A definite PROBABLY!
One last thing: Though this may not be important to anyone else, for me it is a choking hazard. I have a sluggish esophagus (esophageal dysmotility), and some foods tend to get “stuck”. This is one of them. In fact, I was starting to experience symptoms, when I had eaten less of it, than most foods. So if you have a similar issue, take care.
In a pinch I can see how this would be good bread substitute, and my turkey sandwich (what I could eat of it) was quite good! I probably won’t make it again but am happy I gave it a try!