RECIPE: What I Can Reach Rolls

So I was standing in the kitchen, waiting for my casserole to get done in my AFO, and wanted to make some rolls to have with it. The casserole is carnivore, so the rolls should be, also, right? Not walking well today so I thought I’d just grab some stuff within reach, mix it up, and bake it. Here’s what I mixed together with the stick blender in a bowl (amounts are approximate, I rarely measure!):

1c of full fat small curd cottage cheese
½c egg whites (from a carton)
2 whole large eggs
2Tbsp butter powder
½c of whey protein powder
1tsp of beef gelatin
dash of salt
½tsp of baking powder

First I sprinkled the gelatin on the egg whites and let it sit while I grabbed everything else.
Next I stick-blended the gelatin with the egg white; added eggs & blended; added cottage cheese and blended; added everything else and blended
The result was the consistency of pancake batter; sprayed a muffin top pan with avocado oil and filled it, leaving about ¼” at the top and baked them in my preheated AFO for 12 minutes at 325°F.

They ended up being the best, breadiest carnivore rolls I’ve ever made.


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